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PhiRemoval is the best and the safest method for removal of tattoos. This non painful, non laser new innovative method is the best for pigment migration or unwanted pigment.  A unique formula but also a well designed method that preserves the health of the skin.


        This method is effective for:

  • Permanent Makeup (PMU) 

  • Pigment migration

  • Uneven pigment

  • Uneven depth

  • Use of titanium dioxide-based camouflage

How does it works?         

Phiremoval removal product is based on Glycolic acid.  The tattoo extraction formula starts working almost immediately, drawing out the original tattoo ink upward through the skin. When applied to the skin, it penetrates surrounding tissues and for this reason there is no need to expose the skin to severe mechanical procedures by machines or manual techniques - the product itself performs some share of the work. This staccato motion perfectly "opens" the skin, thus avoids damage. Having penetrated the depositing skin layer, PhiRemoval liquefies it and "pulls" it up.  When PhiRemoval enters the skin, it induces a reaction during which the pigment is softened and pushed out to the surface.

The time required for the treatment depends upon the area being treated. After the treatment the tissue heals fairly quick,  removed pigment and its quantity is easily visible and there is no long-term post procedural redness or atrophic structure. Removal of the tattoo doesn’t end after one treatment. In most cases, it will take more than one procedure to remove all pigments.  Because we stay in the epidermis, there is minimal chance for scarring.  

PhiRemoval is non-color selective (applicable to all tattoo colors), efficient, less scarring and significantly less expensive.  The treated area initially experiences erythema (redness), which will gradually diminish.

Post treatment care:

Post treatment care is just as important as the procedure itself.  In the first 48 hours, wipe the treated area with a moistened cotton pad.  This is to clean away any lymph that may form after treatment.  This process should be repeated 3-5 times a day.

After the initial scab shedding (around day 7), a small amount of anti-scar cream should be applied to the area every 8 hours

        What to avoid after your treatment :

  • No makeup on the treated area for 10-14 days 

  • No peeling of the scab (the scab should shed off naturally)

  • No swimming pools, tanning beds, and  sauna or steam rooms for 2 weeks

  • No facial or body treatments for the next 3-6 weeks

  • No extreme exercise for 7 days

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